axieinfinitydao|Xinhua president meets ASEAN secretary-general

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BEIJINGaxieinfinitydao, July 4 (Xinhua) -- President of Xinhua News Agency Fu Hua met with Kao Kim Hourn, secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), in Beijing on Thursdayaxieinfinitydao.

axieinfinitydao|Xinhua president meets ASEAN secretary-general

Fu said that the China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership has sustained a sound development momentum and bilateral cooperation has yielded fruitful results.

Xinhua will continue to cover ASEAN's activities and policies in a timely and accurate manner, and work with the ASEAN Secretariat to illustrate China-ASEAN friendly cooperation through news reports, Fu said.

Xinhua maintains good cooperation with mainstream media organizations of ASEAN countries, and actively coordinates with them through the World Media Summit and other multilateral mechanisms, Fu said, expressing the hope for stronger ties with these media organizations in the realm of news reports, high-level exchanges and personnel interaction.

As a global news agency, Xinhua has provided timely, accurate and wide-ranging reports to a global audience and promoted mutual understanding among people from different countries, Kao said.

He added that the ASEAN Secretariat looks forward to strengthening cooperation with Xinhua to make the voice of ASEAN heard on regional and global stages.

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Title: axieinfinitydao|Xinhua president meets ASEAN secretary-general


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