unbingo|直击奥马哈 | 巴菲特称伯克希尔从未犯过致命的决策错误

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Special topic: Live broadcast: Buffett's 2024 shareholders 'meeting hits heavily

unbingo|直击奥马哈 | 巴菲特称伯克希尔从未犯过致命的决策错误

Warren Buffett said Berkshire had avoided "fatal" wrong choices in making several major decisions over the years.

unbingo"Sometimes we make some big mistakes, but we've never made a fatal mistake," he said. He added: "From time to time, we still do something that really works."

Buffett also pointed out that Berkshire has currently accumulated US$571 billion in cash while avoiding some irreparable mistakes, which makes the company's cash flow far ahead of the second-ranked JPMorgan Chase.

"It really shows that if you keep saving over time and don't need any miracles, you can really do something," he said.

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Category: Sports

Title: unbingo|直击奥马哈 | 巴菲特称伯克希尔从未犯过致命的决策错误

Url: https://myfourchecks.com/Sports/980.html

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