pennbattle3replacementhandle| Interpretation of Beijing Enterprises Water's 2023 ESG Report| Achieve value creation and boost industry innovation

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At present, ESG has become a supplement and improvement to the traditional fundamental analysis, measuring the standard of investment.Pennbattle3replacementhandleAs an important dimension of sustainable development ability and long-term value, ESG theme investment has become an important force to drive high-quality sustainable development of the economy. In this context, the water and environmental protection industry, represented by Beijing Water Control, is playing an important role.

Recently, Beijing Water Control released the 2023 ESG report, which is the ninth year in a row that Beijing Water Control has issued a sustainable development report since 2015.Pennbattle3replacementhandleIt has made in-depth practice and excellent achievements in the field of sustainable development in 2023. While maintaining sound operation, it continues to seek the balanced development of eco-environmental value, social value and economic value.

Establishing Sustainable Development Committee to systematically promote ESG Management and performance improvement

According to the report, Beijing Water Control actively responds to the national strategic planning, keeps up with the pace of the times, adheres to the business purpose of customer as the source and innovation as the way, and effectively integrates the concept of sustainable development into the value core of the group. In order to further strengthen the management of sustainable development in the future, the Sustainable Development Committee was established in 2023 to further improve the corporate governance system and ensure the effective implementation of the sustainable development strategy. At the same time, the company also evaluated and updated the ESG substantive issues matrix to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the needs of various stakeholders.

The Council for Sustainable Development of North Water Control is responsible for monitoring and reporting to the Board on the implementation and effectiveness of ESG management, as well as determining major ESG issues, assessing risks and opportunities arising from climate change, reviewing and monitoring the achievement of environmental objectives, and assessing the impact of the Group's ESG performance on stakeholders.

Through the effective operation of the Commission for Sustainable Development, it will help to realize the organic unity of economic responsibility, environmental responsibility and social responsibility, enhance the overall competitiveness and social responsibility of Beijing Water Control, and help enterprises to communicate effectively with various stakeholders, so as to identify risks and explore opportunities, so as to provide an important reference for the formulation and improvement of strategic objectives for sustainable development of enterprises.

Carry out active practical action and industry to deal with climate change together

Looking back in 2023, the global climate change intensified, extreme weather occurred frequently, and many uncertain factors superimposed led to severe challenges to human sustainable development, and the attention and attention to ESG around the world continued to rise.

In the ESG report released by Beijing Water Control, it fully demonstrates its efforts to accelerate the development of the industry and its own high-quality green. In terms of protecting green waters and green mountains, we will continue to ensure the safety and reliability of social and residential water use, protect water ecological health, maintain the biodiversity of water systems and their surrounding areas, and promote the recycling of water resources.

In the aspect of jointly building a harmonious society, Beijing Water Control, as a leading enterprise in the industry, shows excellent achievements and social responsibility in talent management, safety and health, customer service, innovation leadership, warm society and so on. In deepening scientific governance, Beijing Water Control integrates the concept of ESG into the group's scientific governance systems such as clean and compliance construction, sustainable supply chain management and information security, so as to build a solid foundation for the group's long-term and sound operation.

It is worth mentioning that Beijing Water Control released the ESG report this time, which focuses on the management system and practical performance of the company's response to climate change risks and opportunities through the topic of "dealing with climate change and carrying out low-carbon actions" and in accordance with the framework of climate-related financial information disclosure guidelines (TCFD). Through the special topic "exploring New Water Affairs in the Future and promoting Industry Progress", this paper introduces in detail the development direction and focus of new water affairs in the future, fully demonstrates the outstanding contribution of Beijing Water Control in industry leadership and technological innovation, and helps to realize the high-quality and sustainable development of the water industry.

pennbattle3replacementhandle| Interpretation of Beijing Enterprises Water's 2023 ESG Report| Achieve value creation and boost industry innovation

Lead the green development to realize the value creation of economy, society and environment

In 2023, Beijing Water Control's excellent practical achievements in the field of sustainable development have also been widely recognized by all sectors of the market. According to public reports, Beijing Control Water has been upgraded to An in the MSCI (Mingsheng Index) ESG rating in successive years, becoming the only Asian company in the water industry to receive this rating; it has been selected into the first S & P global "Yearbook of Sustainable Development (China version)"; and S & P Global Enterprise Sustainability Assessment and CDP climate questionnaire rating are among the forefront of the industry.

At the same time, in 2023, Beijing Water Control has been at the top of the list of "Top Ten influential Enterprises in Water Industry" on E20 environmental platform for 13 years in a row, and has been selected as "Top 50 Environmental Enterprises in China" for 6 years in a row. Technological achievements have won the first prize of China Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award and the first prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award. These awards are not only an affirmation and commendation of Beijing Water Control's unremitting efforts in the past year. It is not only an ardent expectation and encouragement for its future development, but also a benchmark and case in the industry, so as to promote the common prosperity and progress of the industry.

As Zhou Min, CEO of Beijing Water Control Group, said in the ESG report, "Beijing Water Control takes the concept of sustainable development as the internal driving force of enterprise development, positively responds to the demand, breeds light asset business opportunities with ESG logic, leads green development with the upgrading of products and services, and achieves both social and economic benefits. In the future, Beijing Water Control will keep pace with the development of the new era, respond to the national strategic plan, unswervingly promote high-quality and sustainable development, stick to its original ideas with ingenuity, and strive for the future through innovation. We will march forward to become a world-class water environmental service provider that is deeply trusted and leads the development. "

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Category: Sports

Title: pennbattle3replacementhandle| Interpretation of Beijing Enterprises Water's 2023 ESG Report| Achieve value creation and boost industry innovation


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