bestblockchaingames2022| * There are differences in the content of ST Hong Tao's two replies. Did he borrow letters to "boost" the stock price?

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bestblockchaingames2022| * There are differences in the content of ST Hong Tao's two replies. Did he borrow letters to "boost" the stock price?

recentlybestblockchaingames2022, one about *ST Hong Tao (SZ002325bestblockchaingames2022, share price 1bestblockchaingames2022.03 yuan, market value of 18bestblockchaingames2022The news of..09 billion yuan) attracted market attention. This listed company, which is mainly engaged in public building decoration projects, was named by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and asked to explain the reasons because of the difference between the results statement and the previous reply to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's letter of concern. What the hell is going on?

On May 15, *ST Hongtao held a performance briefing meeting. Investors asked about the company's substantive progress after signing the share transfer framework agreement with Shenzhen Zhaojin and Hainan Zhaojin. * ST Hong Tao replied that the framework agreement is still valid, and the two sides have continued to maintain close communication and contact to further improve and optimize relevant details of cooperation. However, the content of *ST Hongtao's reply to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's letter of concern disclosed on March 16 was that Shenzhen Zhaojin and Hainan Zhaojin had comprehensively considered the advancement of the company's reorganization work, suspended due diligence work, and the follow-up advancement of the Framework Agreement There is still uncertainty about the situation, and there is still uncertainty about whether the formal equity transfer agreement can be signed.

It is worth noting that after *ST Hongtao disclosed the investor activity record on the evening of May 15, the company's share price changed. As of the close of May 20, *ST Hongtao had three consecutive daily limits. * There is a difference between ST Hongtao's response to investors 'situation and its previous response to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's letter of concern. Are there situations such as insider trading, market manipulation, unfair disclosure of information or use of information disclosure to hype stock prices? In this regard, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange could not stand it anymore and directly issued a letter of concern asking the company to explain clearly.

*ST Hong Tao's behavior is undoubtedly a misleading act to investors. Behind its stock price's continuous trading limit, there are actually huge risks and uncertainties hidden. If investors blindly follow the trend, they are likely to step on lightning. This vicious cycle will only lead to chaos and unhealthy markets.

This incident not only exposed the chaos of *ST Hongtao's operations, but also brought serious consequences to the company. * ST Hongtao was issued an audit report that could not express opinions on the 2023 financial statements, and was given a delisting risk warning since the market opened on May 6. Under such circumstances, if *ST Hong Tao is charged with insider trading, market manipulation, etc. again, he may be subject to more severe penalties or even forced to delist.

As a listed company, *ST Hongtao should always keep in mind his awareness of laws and regulations and social responsibilities. The principles of market fairness, justice and openness cannot be undermined for one's own benefit. It is hoped that *ST Hongtao can promptly clarify the differences between the two replies, respond seriously and accurately to the exchange's questions, and become a legal, compliant and reasonable listed company.

Unless otherwise specified, the copyright of this article belongs to okjl com. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

Category: Sports

Title: bestblockchaingames2022| * There are differences in the content of ST Hong Tao's two replies. Did he borrow letters to "boost" the stock price?


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