crashbandicoot4test|华鑫证券:A股反弹已至 关注三大主线

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News summary

Huaxin securitiescrashbandicoot4test: The rebound of A-shares has reached the point of focusing on the three main lines Securities Times Newscrashbandicoot4test, Huaxin Securities Research News pointed out that the domestic economy continues to be weak and repaired, real estate de-warehousing is expected to accelerate, and the total volume and industrial policies will work together, and market sentiment will gradually improve. Under the internal and external resonance, A-shares have rebounded. on three majorcrashbandicoot4test.crashbandicoot4test..

crashbandicoot4test|华鑫证券:A股反弹已至 关注三大主线

Newsletter text

Huaxin Securities: The rebound in A-shares has reached the point of focusing on the three major mainlines Securities Times News, Huaxin Securities Research News pointed out that the domestic economy continues to be weak and the removal of real estate from the treasury is expected to accelerate. The total volume and industrial policies are working together, and market sentiment is gradually improving. Under the internal and external resonance, A-shares have rebounded. Focus on three main lines: 1) performance improvement (downstream consumption-agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, light industry, medicine, scientific and technological growth-electronics, communications);2) foreign capital compensation (recent northward additions are concentrated in computers, medicines, power equipment, electronics, etc.);3) overseas mapping (early adjustments are in place + outstanding performance of giants + increased capital expenditures, which is good for TMT rebound). Proofread by: Liu Rongzhi

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Category: Economics

Title: crashbandicoot4test|华鑫证券:A股反弹已至 关注三大主线


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