88betslot| Industry prospects and investment opportunities for the power grid equipment sector

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According to the latest data,88betslotThe power grid equipment sector has been strong recently, a number of underlying stocks have risen significantly, and many share prices have reached record highs. Among them, the annual reports of Xidian, Pinggao, Xu Ji and Huaming are good, and their profits are growing rapidly, mainly due to the strong demand for domestic power grid construction and overseas power equipment. In addition, the power grid equipment industry has a certain counter-cyclical attribute, which has become a choice for the market to find security targets. Although the valuations of most power grid equipment companies are still reasonable, the big alpha of the industry is still on its way. It is expected that with the gradual increase of investment in the national network, the demand for UHV bidding will increase significantly, further promoting the market. In the medium term, as overseas production capacity is tight and orders spill over to China, the head enterprises will undertake more overseas orders and improve their performance and gross profit margin. At the same time, the company's internal management optimization is also expected to improve the net interest rate and achieve higher-than-expected performance. There is a strong demand for overseas power equipment and a shortage of supply, especially the demand for transformers in the United States is still in a state of long-term imbalance. This brings historic opportunities to domestic enterprises and is expected to achieve a significant increase in market share. Although domestic enterprises face some challenges in the process of going out to sea, such as decentralized power grids, high certification barriers and policy restrictions, for pioneer manufacturers who have made breakthroughs at sea, the long-term shortage of transformers in the United States will be a historic opportunity. Overall, in the next few years, the power grid equipment sector has a good performance and market space, UHV flexibility and overseas power grid construction and other factors will jointly promote the development of the industry.88betslotThe technical quality of power equipment in China enjoys a high reputation all over the world. the power equipment companies have sufficient orders on hand, stable performance growth and high dividend. Therefore, investors can not ignore the investment opportunities of the power grid equipment sector.

88betslot| Industry prospects and investment opportunities for the power grid equipment sector

Stock name Siyuan Electric, National Network ICT, Haixing Power (603556), Jinpan Technology, Dongfang Electronics (000682), Mingyang Electric, Igor (002922), Xu Ji Electric Plate name Grid equipment keywords Grid, equipment, overseas bullish bearish (bullish) Power Grid equipment plate has high performance certainty and higher-than-expected potential, and has counter-cyclical attributes. The switching of market risk preference and broad industry prospects are historical opportunities to be bullish! Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.

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Category: Economics

Title: 88betslot| Industry prospects and investment opportunities for the power grid equipment sector

Url: https://myfourchecks.com/Economics/788.html

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