100playdrawpoker| Xie Ning, Chairman of Bank of Nanjing, talks about high-quality development ideas: do a good job in four focuses to promote endogenous growth

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Financial front-line news on May 10100playdrawpoker, Bank of Nanjing held a 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 performance explanation meeting. Xie Ning, Chairman of Bank of Nanjing, said when talking about high-quality development ideas100playdrawpokerFocus on four things to promote endogenous growth. The first is to focus on serving the real economy, the second is to focus on value creation, the third is to focus on adapting to changes in the times, and the fourth is to focus on handling the relationship between development and security.

100playdrawpoker| Xie Ning, Chairman of Bank of Nanjing, talks about high-quality development ideas: do a good job in four focuses to promote endogenous growth

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Category: Economics

Title: 100playdrawpoker| Xie Ning, Chairman of Bank of Nanjing, talks about high-quality development ideas: do a good job in four focuses to promote endogenous growth

Url: https://myfourchecks.com/Economics/1079.html

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