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Special topicFreecoinsforhouseoffunspinBuffett's 2024 shareholders' meeting is a big hit.

This article comes from: financial circles

At the shareholders' meeting, Warren Buffett, the investment guru, revealed his regular updates to his personal will and shared his unique views on estate investment. Buffett says he changes his will every three years to ensure that his financial planning keeps abreast of the times. When talking about how to invest in his wife's estate after his death, he made an unexpected suggestion that 10% of the estate should be invested in short-term government bonds, while the remaining 90% should be allocated to low-cost S & P 500 index funds.

This strategy is obviously very different from Buffett's investment strategy at Berkshire Hathaway, which aroused great interest in the audience. Buffett's suggestion reflects not only his thoughtful thinking about personal wealth management, but also his long-term confidence in the S & P 500 index fund.

During the exchange session, one questioner asked Buffett whether he would consider transferring the estate allocation to an equal-weighted index fund, given the current weight of the so-called "magnificent seven" companies in the S & P 500. However, Buffett has reservations. He believes that given the size and purpose of the trust fund, his wife does not need to pay too much attention to whether the portfolio can outperform the S & P 500.

Buffett explained that he chose the S & P 500 index fund because it represents the overall trend of the US economy and has lower management costs and fees. He believes that such an investment strategy can provide stable value-added to the estate in the long run, while avoiding over-operation and unnecessary risks.


In addition, Buffett stressed the importance of regular updates of wills. He said that with the changes in personal financial situation, family situation and market environment, the content of the will needs to be adjusted accordingly. By revising every three years, he can ensure that his financial plan is always in line with the actual needs of the family and the market environment.

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