100jilivip| Close: U.S. stocks closed higher on Friday and non-agricultural data boosted Fed interest rate cut expectations

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  哈里斯金融集团常务合伙人Jamie Cox表示100jilivip:“非农数据全面疲软,总体上对市场有利。工资增长疲软将有助于消除对通胀大规模反弹的担忧。”

100jilivip| Close: U.S. stocks closed higher on Friday and non-agricultural data boosted Fed interest rate cut expectations






  分析师Chris Anstey称这是一份全面疲软的报告。他表示,非农报告中的工资增长低于预期,这可能是最大的问题。还要注意的是,对前两个月的修正导致就业人数累计少了2.2万人。

  分析师Joseph Richter认为,薪酬数据可能是这份非农报告中最值得关注的数据点。过去三个月,时薪平均增速仅为0.23%,而前三个月为0.4%。工资增长放缓可能是未来几个季度非住房服务通胀数据好转的动力。

  嘉信理财总经理Richard Flynn表示:“最新的非农就业报告表明,劳动力市场的需求正在放缓。近几个月来,很明显,美联储乐于在降息周期缓慢行动,不希望经济出现意想不到的疲软,而我们今天看到的报告可能会导致这种做法的转变。劳动力市场的崩溃可能会促使美联储从漫步转为冲刺。”

  加拿大帝国商业银行分析师Ali Jaffery称,市场不要得意忘形。美联储政策制定者希望看到的不仅仅是一个月的良好数据,才会对就业市场引发的通胀压力感到更放心。“总体而言,劳动力市场仍然强劲,他们需要看到更多的证据表明经济放缓,或者就业人数意外大幅下降,在经历了如此强劲的就业增长之后,他们才会担心自己的就业任务。”最终,美联储将按兵不动,直到他们对通胀有了明确的认识。

  斯巴达资本证券公司首席市场经济学家Peter Cardillo表示:“这份报告恰到好处,正是美联储希望看到的。我们没有看到工资回升,仍在创造就业机会,经济表现良好,然而,报告的关键在于工资水平,工资水平比市场预期的要低一些。这对美联储来说是一份好报告,对市场来说也是一份好报告。如果继续沿着这条路走下去,那么这可能会改变降息的时机,可能意味着今年或许会有两次降息,而不是一次。”




  芝加哥联储行长古尔斯比(Austan Goolsbee)表示,像周五这样的就业报告会让他感到经济没有过热。古尔斯比拒绝透露今年是否可能降息,称他仍在等待更多数据以确认通胀正向美联储2%的目标迈进。



Sonu Varghese, global macro strategist at Carson Group, said: "although it is unlikely to cut interest rates in the short term because of high inflation, the threshold for rate hikes is indeed high. The continued strength of the labour market has also reduced the urgency of interest rate cuts, but the current potential interest rate cap and a strong economy are good for the stock market. "

U. S. stock earnings are still in the spotlight. Apple shares soared after the company reported better-than-expected revenue and profit and announced it would buy back $110 billion of shares.

Shares of biotech company Amgen rose as the company reported better-than-expected earnings and revenue.

Shares of Cloudflare, an Internet security and Internet company, tumbled after the company reported weak full-year earnings guidance.

Focus stocks

Apple reported after-hours on Thursday that revenue and net profit in the second quarter were better than expected, and sales in Greater China easily exceeded expectations.

Apple also announced its largest-ever share buyback program in the United States, saying its board of directors approved an additional $110 billion. The announcement of the plan also marks Apple's own record for the highest amount of stock buybacks in the United States. According to data compiled by market research firm Birinyi Associates dating back to 1999, the tech giant authorized $100 billion in buybacks in 2018.

Microsoft recently released a new transparency report outlining measures developed and deployed in 2023 to responsibly release generative products.

In the responsible AI Transparency report, Microsoft describes its achievements in safely deploying AI products, creating a total of 30 responsible AI tools, expanding responsible AI teams, and requiring teams that develop generative AI applications to measure and map risks throughout the development cycle. It is also expanding its red team (penetration testing team) work, including internal red teams that deliberately try to bypass the security features in its artificial intelligence model, as well as red team applications to allow third-party testing before the new model is released.

Google had laid off at least 200 employees from its "core" units before it recently reported results, and plans to move some jobs to India and Mexico.

According to Google's website, the "core" unit is responsible for building the technical foundation of the company's flagship products and protecting users' information security. The core team includes information technology, Python development team, technical infrastructure, security infrastructure, application platform, core developers, and various engineering roles.

A four-year investigation by the Indian Competition Commission (CCI) into Amazon and Walmart's Flipkart found that the two e-commerce giants violated antitrust laws, according to people familiar with the matter.

In Intel's latest earnings call, the company showed off its upcoming products and made it clear that it would make every effort to promote artificial intelligence on the next major CPU platform. CEO Pat Gelsinger confirmed that the upcoming 18A process Panther Lake CPU is progressing well and is expected to be launched in mid-2025.

Gelsinger made some bold announcements, saying that Panther Lake's artificial intelligence capabilities will double that of the Arrow Lake chip launched later this year. If Intel can achieve such generation-by-generation progress, it may witness some amazing artificial intelligence processing power.

In other markets, WTI futures for June delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange closed down 84 cents, or 1.06%, at $78.11 a barrel, the lowest closing price since March 13. WTI futures are down more than 6.84% this week, the biggest weekly decline in three months. The futures traded at $86.97 a barrel at one point in intraday trading on April 12.

Brent crude for July delivery on InterContinental Exchange fell 71 cents, or 0.85%, to close at $82.96 a barrel. Brent crude oil futures are down more than 7% this week.

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Category: Animals

Title: 100jilivip| Close: U.S. stocks closed higher on Friday and non-agricultural data boosted Fed interest rate cut expectations

Url: https://myfourchecks.com/Animals/973.html

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