professionalbingoset| Analysts: Non-agricultural report is good news for both the market and the Federal Reserve. There may be two interest rate cuts this year

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professionalbingoset| Analysts: Non-agricultural report is good news for both the market and the Federal Reserve. There may be two interest rate cuts this year

  斯巴达资本证券公司首席市场经济学家Peter Cardillo表示,这份报告不冷不热,正是美联储希望看到的。我们没有看到工资回升,仍在创造就业机会,经济表现良好,然而,报告的关键在于工资水平,工资水平比市场预期的要低一些。这对美联储来说是一份好报告,对市场来说也是一份好报告。如果继续沿着这条路走下去,那么这可能会改变降息的时机,可能意味着今年或许会有两次降息,而不是一次。

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Category: Animals

Title: professionalbingoset| Analysts: Non-agricultural report is good news for both the market and the Federal Reserve. There may be two interest rate cuts this year


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