seagameshanoi| After listing, the performance has changed its face, and it has suffered losses for two consecutive years. Yunchuang Data received an inquiry letter from the Beijing Stock Exchange

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Every reporter Zhao Li Nan every editor Dong Xingsheng

On April 17, the Beijing Stock Exchange spoke to Yunchuang data (BJ835305, share price 11.Seagameshanoi.23 yuan, with a market value of 1.5 billion yuan) issue an inquiry letter for the annual report.

A reporter from the Daily Business News noted that Yunchuang data continued to decline in profitability and lost money for two consecutive years after it was listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange. From 2021 to 2023, the operating income of Yunchuang data is 4. 5% respectively.SeagameshanoiThe net profits attributed to shareholders of listed companies were 66.0224 million yuan,-14.8022 million yuan and-60.1204 million yuan, respectively.

"from the perspective of business segmentation, the company's big data intelligent processing business, big data storage business income showed a continuous downward trend after listing." The Beijing Stock Exchange said.

Was asked whether the previously disclosed documents fully indicated the risk of a sharp decline in performance.

As for the decline in performance, Yunchuang data explained in its 2023 annual reportSeagameshanoi"it is mainly due to the fact that the company actively responded to changes in the domestic market during the reporting period and took the initiative to shrink and optimize customers with long payback cycle and unsatisfactory payback terms in terms of business development. and new product research and development and the formation of a large-scale market needs a certain cycle."

In this regard, the Beijing Stock Exchange requires Yunchuang data to combine recent industry development, changes in major customers and suppliers, changes in revenue structure and business model, cost control, revenue recognition and other factors, a detailed analysis of the reasons and rationality of the company's continued decline in profitability after listing, and whether there is a significant difference between the company and comparable companies in the same industry.

"indicate whether the profitability of the company's main business has changed significantly compared with the public audit reporting period, and whether the previously disclosed documents fully indicate the risk of substantial decline in performance." The Beijing Stock Exchange said.

It is worth noting that Yunchuang disclosed changes in its accounting estimates in its 2023 annual report. For the provision of bad debts, Yunchuang data raised the proportion of bad debts of accounts receivable with short age and lowered the proportion of bad debts of accounts receivable with long age.

Specifically, Yunchuang data raised the expected credit loss rate of accounts receivable within one year from 3% to 6% from 10% to 15% of those aged 2 to 3 years, from 50% to 35% and from 80% to 70%, respectively. After adjustment, the credit impairment loss of Yunchuang data increased by 6.3139 million yuan in 2023.

In this regard, the Beijing Stock Exchange asked Yunchuang data to explain one by one the accounts receivable with an age of 3 years or more and the amount greater than 1 million. Including the name of the defaulting party, operating conditions, solvency, whether it is listed as a person to be executed in breach of trust, whether it enters bankruptcy proceedings, whether it has a relationship with the company, major shareholders and Dong Jiangao, and the business background of the formation of money. the specific basis for the repayment time agreed in the contract, the overdue situation, and the company's non-provision for single item impairment.

seagameshanoi| After listing, the performance has changed its face, and it has suffered losses for two consecutive years. Yunchuang Data received an inquiry letter from the Beijing Stock Exchange

Was asked if there was any transfer of unsalable inventory to fixed assets

At the end of 2023, the inventory balance of Yunchuang data was 206 million yuan, an increase of 30.44% over the same period last year. For the growth of inventory, Yunchuang data explained that it was due to the company's investment in the construction of Yunchuang Intelligent Cloud platform, big data Intelligence Center and other projects.

From the perspective of detailed subjects, some inventory details of Yunchuang data have changed greatly. Of this total, the raw materials were 146 million yuan, a decrease of 6.55% compared with the end of the previous period, and the provision for a decline in the price of raw materials was 2.0535 million yuan, an increase of 1878.84% over the end of the previous period.SeagameshanoiThe goods in stock are 47.5254 million yuan, an increase of 809.45% over the end of last year, and the provision for price decline is 2110.95 yuan, but not for the previous period.

In this regard, the Beijing Stock Exchange requires Yunchuang data to combine the demand for on-hand orders and the changes in the market demand for server products to explain whether the company's raw material inventory is unsalable; combined with the fluctuation of raw material prices, to explain the time points of signs of impairment, explain the reasons for the substantial increase in the impairment of raw materials during the reporting period, and whether there is insufficient impairment provision in previous years. Whether the current impairment provision is adequate, and whether there is a risk of large impairment in the future.

It is worth noting that in 2023, the amount of Yunchuang data inventory transferred to fixed assets (electronic equipment) and intangible assets (software) was 21.2717 million yuan and 15.4382 million yuan respectively, accounting for 36.27% and 48.60% of the final book value of related assets.

In this regard, the Beijing Stock Exchange requires Yunchuang data to disclose the details of the transfer of inventory to fixed assets and intangible assets in the past three years, including, but not limited to, the category of commodities, specific models, the original value and impairment of assets before transfer, the age of storage, depreciation and amortization after transfer, changes in use before and after transfer, and the use of assets after transfer.

"in combination with the above-mentioned information, explain whether there is a situation in which unsalable inventory is transferred to fixed assets and intangible assets; explain the reasons and rationality for the company's inventory to be transferred to fixed assets and intangible assets in the case of a continuous decline in inventory turnover; whether the relevant conversion conforms to the provisions of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises." The Beijing Stock Exchange said.

In addition, the Beijing Stock Exchange also inquired about Yunchuang's research and development expenses, management expenses, deferred income tax assets and other subjects.

Source: visual China-VCG41129310645

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