crapstable| Want to understand how the fund's profits and losses are calculated? Learn the fund profit calculation method, loss calculation method and yield calculation formula.

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Calculation method of Fund profit and loss and Analysis of return Formula

When investors buy fundsCrapstableIt is very important to understand the profit and loss calculation method of the fund as well as the calculation formula of the rate of return. This article will analyze the profit calculation method, loss calculation method and yield calculation formula of the fund in detail.

I. calculation method of fund profit

crapstable| Want to understand how the fund's profits and losses are calculated? Learn the fund profit calculation method, loss calculation method and yield calculation formula.

The profit of the fund mainly comes from the growth of the net value of the fund and the dividend. The idea of calculating the profit of the fund is to analyze the change of the net value of the fund and the dividend of the fund. The specific calculation method is as followsCrapstable:

Fund profit calculation formula net value growth profit fund profit = (current net value-net purchase value) * share dividend profit fund profit = dividend amount * dividend times

For example, an investor buys a fund with a net purchase value of 1Crapstable.5 yuan, with a share of 1000, with a current net worth of 1Crapstable.8 yuan. So, the profit made by the investor through the increase in net worth is: (1.81.5) * 1000 = 300yuan. If the fund pays dividends twice during the holding period, each time the dividend amount is 0.2 yuan, then the dividend profit is 0.2 * 2 = 0.4 yuan.

II. Calculation method of fund loss

Fund losses usually occur when the net worth of the fund falls. When the net value of the fund is lower than the net purchase value, investors will incur losses. The method of calculating the fund loss is as follows:

Fund loss calculation formula net value drop loss fund loss = (net purchase value-current net value) * share held

For example, the net purchase value of the fund held by investors is 1.50 yuan, while the current net value is 1.20 yuan, with a share of 1000 shares. Then, the investor's loss caused by the decline in net worth is: (1.51.2) * 1000 = 300yuan.

Third, the formula for calculating the rate of return

The rate of return is an important index to measure the investment effect of the fund. The annualized rate of return is usually used to evaluate the fund's long-term investment return. The formula for calculating the rate of return is as follows:

Rate of return formula calculation method simple rate of return annualized rate of return = [(1 + fund net value growth ratio) / holding time (year)]-1 compound rate of return = [(1 + fund net value growth ratio) ^ (1 / holding time (year))-1] * 100

For example, if the net value of a fund purchased by investors has increased by 10% in one year, the simple annualized return is (1 + 0.1) / 1-1 = 10%. If the net worth of investors increases by 60% in five years, the compound annualized return is: [(1 + 0.6) ^ (1 / 5)-1] * 100 ≈ 11.34%.

Through the above analysis of the fund profit calculation method, loss calculation method and yield calculation formula, investors can better understand the profit and loss of the fund and provide strong support for their own investment decisions.

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Category: Animals

Title: crapstable| Want to understand how the fund's profits and losses are calculated? Learn the fund profit calculation method, loss calculation method and yield calculation formula.


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