realbaccarat| Feel the charm of options-Huishang Futures "Rights and Power" Stock Options Simulation Competition kicks off

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In the international derivatives market, optionsRealbaccaratThe trading volume accounts for half of the futures and derivatives market. In recent years, China's over-the-counter options market has shown a trend of accelerated development, and the function of option instruments participating in market asset allocation has been gradually deepened. In order to help investors familiarize themselves with the trading operation of stock options and deepen their understanding of stock options, Huishang futures launched the first "knowledge and power" stock option simulation contest for investors in the whole market on May 6.

The number of applicants exceeded 100 on the opening day of the registration channel. This simulation competition focuses on five types of stock options listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Shanghai Stock Exchange"). The contestants trade on their own, and all trading operations must abide by the trading rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the management regulations of the organizers. Investors can get 10 million yuan (RMB) of initial simulated trading funds when they sign up for the competition. Contestants calculate the comprehensive performance according to the three indicators of stock option trading volume, activity and market value equity increment during the competition, and have the opportunity to get cash rewards.

At the beginning of the competition, Huizhou Merchants Futures carried out a series of market promotion interactions in a variety of forms, including "focusing on the Future Live activities of the Golden Lottery", the stock options information column of "Rights and Power", popularizing the knowledge of stock options for investors, introducing the relevant contents of the competition, etc. At the same time, Huizhou merchants futures take this opportunity to carry out more practical training on the application of stock option strategies through the official platform. Li Yongdong, a stock options analyst at the Research Institute, mainly focuses on the basis of stock options, common strategies and volatility, combined with cases and simulation exercises to enable investors to better understand and master the content.

Huizhou merchants futures not only provide professional financial services for investors, but also actively assume the social responsibility of investor education. This simulation competition provides investors with a platform for learning and practice to help investors quickly familiarize themselves with stock options trading rules, master relevant knowledge and trading skills.

The registration channel for the competition has been released on the official Wechat official account of Huishang Futures, the official account of "option Investment" and the official account of "Futures Daily". At present, the game is in full swing. Huizhou Merchants Futures will also release the rankings of contestants on the official platform on a regular basis. If you love trading or are interested in investing in stock options, you can enter the competition through the official channel before June 30. We look forward to your joining.Realbaccarat!

realbaccarat| Feel the charm of options-Huishang Futures "Rights and Power" Stock Options Simulation Competition kicks off

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Title: realbaccarat| Feel the charm of options-Huishang Futures "Rights and Power" Stock Options Simulation Competition kicks off


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